Tuesday, February 06, 2007

$$$$$$$$ THE AWARD BOARD $$$$$$$

Gentalmen and Ladies, 2004-2007 School of Business (Singapore Polytechnic) Award List goes out to the following candidates that hav/had or had reasonably impacted my life through out my time in SP. Thanks for everything wheather good or bad. Award winners are to seek me out ( if you ever get to see me ) and collect your $10 from me. And without further ado...

Best buddy award
Edmund Lee Jun Chen
For being there for me through think and thin, best best friend,
making my time in SB great and asking me to fuck off.

Best female buddy award
Aveline Nuralisum
ITP very good friend/advisor, hopely future business partner /study buddy

Supporting Best buddy award
Lim Zhi Wei
Drum expert, Dota Alx leader,China buddy, lucky bastard, my very good friend

Supporting Best female buddy award
Cynthia Chua
Talk non-stop, good christain, happy girl, FMRP helper , PM leader

Best Competitor and Rivial
Chris Koh Si Wei
Smart, competitive, classrap of 2004, dota buddy

Best supporting Competitor and Rivial
Kris Oh Sz Chet
Cute, Lovely, Brillant, compeititve , my classrap sucessor, very good friend/study buddy

Best quirky, flirting friend
Lovely to talk to, joke with and share problems with, good listener, lovely girl.

Best good friend
Sharon Tan
CHC introducer, good friend, crazy, kind and earthly person

Best Smoking Friend
Ming Chen
He Smokes only, adventurous, future Everest partner i hope, dota neutral farmer.

Best Daiko Bubby
Ming Zhong and Fernado
Tioman trip, treasury hunt and many more

Best Daiko Junior
Commited, Loyal, best social person, down to earth

Most Hardworking friend
Write too much, FP project friend, too hard working.

Best Lecturer
Mrs Chua
Most friendly to me. Gave me accounting exam answers and tips ( kIDDING NOT JOKING !!)

Most Scary Lecturer
Ambrose Merandous
Gave me good advise how to suceed in life, MA, Brillant person, super smart love saying Bullshit.

Best Gang Award
ZW, Ed, DR, XM
When out to eat alot of times, talk , play bridge, gossip, steal things , unforgetable gang .

Best Study Group award
Ave and Kris
Suffered together, research alot of shit, PM exam tips, exam saving group

Efforts to make Names exact have been taken into consideration, the award commencer will not be liable for any breach of litigation arising as such protected under the 14.55 "Freedom of speech act". The recipant , if unstatisfied having thier names stated on this blog , shall inform the award commencer within 7 days of noticing it. The commencer will gladly take it down upon the request of the recipant. Further more , the recipant and the commencer have known or ought to have reasonably known that this entry's solo purpose is to praise those who have impacted the commencer's life in his study life in polytechnic. Any arising deteriment should be brought forward to the commencer immediately without due delay. Other things constant.


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