Monday, May 21, 2007

Wake Up call

Ok OK ....last sunday i went to church very early in the morning . I reached at 9am...un-usually early for a person who is usually running late, to hall 8 every sunday. The reason y i was soo early is beacuse.. i drove to church, with my step dad beside me. He keep telling me to , slow down, check right, turn left..aiyo.. plz le.. i already pass liao..dun need to give simple irriting instructions. Anyways.. i dropped off at Expo ..then went to Burger King to have some nice beakfast.. ALONE! Hiaz..
Soo when church started at 10 am. I was very tired already..reason was that the day before i played dota until 3am..then woke up in the morning at 8am yeah CHC service praise and worship was great as usual. When it came to the sermon (Ps Kong was the speaker) i told myself that i have to pay attention cause whats really important is the sermon , the truth that God wants to speak to us during service. Soo ok...Ps Kong started talking... after 10 mins...abit tired liao... after another 10 mins.. eyes very heavy liao and then... i think i fell asleep. LOL i slept i think like for another 12mins..until i was suddenly no one. Just woke up, it was then Ps Kong said somthing very interesting.. he said somthing about being Christians..that most of us are "SUNDAY" Believe in which we act good or be devoted only on sundays, such as forgiving and being extra "good" on that particular day of the week. And the rest of the days go back to our old ways.

Now, Ps Kong warn us not be this way cause Partcial Obidence equals Rebellion. OK...1st wake up call from God Liao. That we shouldn't have a double mind and be hypocrites. Tell others do this and that and on the other hand do an another thing. What we should do is to follow his ways EVERY SINGAL DAY and not only on sundays. We have to be the light and salt of the earth...and if we lose our saltiness or lightness we will be casted aside and thrown in to the fire. Ouch!

OK, next Him mentioned somthing about its all about Attitude, that ppl put thier needs infront of God's, ppl not reading the bible everyday, ppl treating the church like a hotel, ppl when in need then run back to God and plead for mercy. So ya..another wake up call..dun treat his church like that, don;t fall asleep during sermons, have some respect fo your creator. If u want God to set a direction for u .. u not only walk have to walk by faith but also act upon it. Yeah its all about having the right attitude in Christ.

Next is how PS Kong became what he is today, (Being a powerful messanger of God, Leading God's ppl, a History maker and a ground shaker) he said that one evening a long time ago, during his drive from church to home. As a young youth pastor... he was on the road driving an old lorry. God acutally spoke to him in his heart saying the following, Kong will you love me with all that u have, will u live a life of sacifice of prayer and of fasting. Of course he said yes...that why he is what is he now.. wonderful hor. He also claims that he relation with God is of that a friend..of which he gave example of how Abramham was soo close to God ...that God actually consulted with him, ask him wheather should he destory a certain city filled with sinful ppl. Imagin that..God Consulting with him!!! Also another example is Eknock? I dun know how to spell la.. soo lets just stick with Eknock.. this guy was soo damn close to God that one day while walking on the dusty light brown dessert.. he was chating with God, asking him many things, loving him, having a relationship that God possibly said this to him " Hi dude..its going to take another few hours to reach ur house..why don;t u come to my house instead?" Of course Eknock said: "yes that would be great"..somthing like that..then he didn;t die but went up all the way to the high heavens. The only man in history to be every taken up by God. How wonderful is that..omg.. i want also.. i want to be taken up like that le.. (Before NS comes) LOL. I think i will and must reexmind my attitude towards Christ. I want to be his vessal.. i want to have a close relationship with him..just like PS Kong..just like Eknock. I pray for more hunger for his word and continue to shine for him.
And all God's ppl say? -AMEN!


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