Yes unexpected is the word to use .. pior to "consoldation day" refer to last entry .. everything turned out the way i expected and even better.. i finally got my results.. this sem was the worse i ever faced, i was not consistant in my work and didn;t attend lectures as much as last time and yet i got good results..not just good la plz le ivan.. its VERY GOOD lor.. i know i dun deserve it.. my GOD! .."A" until can go mad.. My prediction was like 2 Cs and all B+ but God was mecifully and indeed very generous .. must give thanks to hIM la. But even though he didn;t give me good result.. then i'll be angry but still i have to obey him blah blah blah.. ya now can really enjoy my upcoming trip with my daiko team to tioman.. specking of tioman...im feeling abit homesick liao..WTF right.. its only 3 days lor.. plz le. why is this sickness like this..hiaz.. im not this kind of Hmuji person le.. i want to EXPLORE i wan to venture i wan to take RISK.. damn it.. I think this sickness is due to the wild childhood i had since young .. if u know what i mean.. Anyway..the IMF .. meeting.. Singapore is doing very well hosting it.. everyone is impressed , 4 million smiles welcome the delegates. After the IMF meeting.. there will be 4million Frowns for the upcoming years cause every one in singapore loves to frown ..and forcing us to smile for this whole week is nearly an impossible task.. but we have to do it ..just to put on a fake show to the delegates..so dun be surprised when u see everyone frowning non stop everywhere u go..espically suntech area or the ppl working there.. ppl there will be frowning when working, when walking when talking when going to the toliet .. lol.. Hiazz.. One more week left till the school term starts again.. im damn relactant to go back to school ..hiaz i wish i was in NUS or NTU or SMU..i keep repeating this sentence cause.... i really want to enter this university..its just a goal... just this goal only i prayed like countless times to God lor...i think God is sick of this prayer to enter NUS or NTU or SMU..one fine day God will appear to from a tiny hole of the roof and say this to me " IVAN!, Please stop repeating yourself day after day , im quite sick of this request, the angels are restless and satan is going nuts ..plz go check ur letter box tml and you see the NUS appectance letter " lol.. ok im talking rubbish liao.. im going to sleep liao.. got to wake up at 4.30 now its 1.28 am.. lack sleep.. ok~ REX OUT