Sunday, June 29, 2008


Alright guys, make this a quick one, as of 30 June 2008 , my real age is 22, yes borned on the 13th hour of the earth tiger year 1986. No! Im not 21 as many ppl have per recieved, No im not 19 also (though i may look 19 haha) and yes today's entry will be what i have achieved soo much and much thanks to God who had a hand in almost every achievement im about to list down.

At the age of 22 i have soo far achieved

1) Getting into local uni, even rejected one of the big three
-Inspired and challenged by my cousin to do well
-Never looking back at those yuhua , normal acedemic days
-Thanking God for every Distinctions and As

2)Opened my eyes to the wonderful world of stocks
-Still learning and will always be learning
-Now investing wisely and properly

3) Cheated Nothing Speical
-Didnt really go tekong if you know what i mean..haha Vorka and coffee
-Life is good for me in Nothing.S , free internet,free gym,having nice bosses,mixing around with high "R" ppl ..good but boring

4)Got my driving license
-As long can drive can liao, be practical

5) 28 Certificates under my wing
-All ranges from swimming to finnical analysing certificates

6)Able to teach drums and swimming to both adults and childern
-Amazing.. under 3 mths im able to do it. Amen ! With more $$ also haha

7)Spritiual growth with God
-Yes, having more time to talk to him
-Relationship with my creator/savior/friend/lord improving

8)Build up quite a reputation on
-Lots of annoying emails like more tips more tips
-Anooying..but.. im loving it ;]

9)Body building
-Size of biceps and cheat growing
-Too shy to say la

I think soo far 9 factors to be proud of, though some of them not really accpetable to God and so on. (Like no. 3) Alright, looking forward what i want to achieve when im 23-26
1)Finish the damn degree
2)Find a job i really like and am passionate about
3)Hunting down a girlfriend... YA RIGHT! You wish! I wouldnt lose to you racheal!!!
4)More sociable, establishing more useful high quality friends
5)Able to understand japanese
6)Investing properly and earning lots from my portoflios
7)Pleasing God even more and more more more more more!
Alright time for me to DOTA and enjoy the rest of the day off.
One last note to my future self
-Perception is nothing but and illusion , think and came to believe's on ones own experience and exposure.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Back to the past..

Alright, today's entry will be a bit different.. i shall not talk about stocks and tips for this entry ..but im going to talk about time traveling. Without further a do , lets start this interesting entry. Last 2 days ago, while i was sitting down infront of laptop, watch Cosco stock go up down, up down , down again, up again ..was waiting to go in at a right price.. then suddenly i starting day dreaming , maybe out of sheer boredom or maybe beacuse im just too tired to read up another 270 over pages of annual reports. But the thing about this day dream was .. it was about Jesus and time travel. I imagined that i was in some kind of future, where technology was soo advance that it almost looked alien to me , the machineries , envoirnment were just soo complicated , people around me were wired , as in wires were sticking out of their ears and into their bodies, buildings were oddly shaped covered with dark glasses of all sorts, there were no birds but flying pieces of mental that looked like Ipods from a far and the weather was dark and sinister looking.
I find myself suddenly in a technological mechanical lap where people wearing all white were surrounding me (sry i lazy to describe in details cause it might take to long to write out the entire story. ), the lap was soo dark that i couldnt make up the faces, but there was a general feeling or rather a psychic knowlegde that all of us in the lap knew one thing ..we have a breakthrough euipment in our hands inother words , we could have possiblity created a portal that could break through time and space.
In front of me, stands a dark multi colored purple shaded portal , hovering over a complicated piece of machinery below it, sparks ocassionally wil fly out of the portal and it looks very unwelcoming to enter , it is as if anything that goes in ,would come out dead on the other side.

My people were doing all sorts all caculations on floating laptops , lazer touch screens were poping up everywhere and of course my people were touching everywhere What were we caculating or studying ? We wanted to know whether it was safe to enter the portal, what would be the affects, if so who should we sent, what euipment should be place on the person, what time length was deemed accpetable? Was the time /space mixture suitable for human beings , should we consider sending an animal/robort 1st instead of humans? Soo many questions and yet no answer, the only thing left for me to do as the head incharge (which i think i was cause its MY day dream) was to take a step in first.
And soo i entered the portal , with my people screaming behind my back , something like STOP!, WHAT the FCK are you doing!, Please Don't! etc etc.
Once inside the portal, all my senses were..empty, i couldnt hear myself shouting, or even breathing, all i could see was pure darkness, a total emptiness of sorts.
(OK this part is were i think, i started really falling asleep after my day dream)
Somehow , just somehow i managed to get flushed out of the portal into the other side, half expecting to see my people in white coats reaching out to cushion my fall. But instead i fell face 1st into , natural dirt ..which was quite enjoyable the smell and taste of it beacuse in the future , there wasn't any natural dirt left , the floors,paveways were all covered with thick aluminum.
As i picked myself up, i realised that i was wearing the same white mentallic coat as my people , only was alot of badges of achievement/status/rank were sticking on it. Wiping some dirt away from my face and placing the natural dirt into a exprimental small high density plastic bag, my eyes scanned the enviornment which was barren with no one in sight but only a few woodlike short houses scattered across the landscpe , within each house was a dime candel light , that possibly light up the place. There were some cattle, cows eatting dry weeds.. the sky was dark but beautiful , with stars glistering at a distance with the occasional shooting stars , the wind was gental and calming. Soo peaceful was the envoirnment that i could hear myself ginerly walking towards the scatter of houses. Upon closer exmaination of the houses, they were made of white clay and the roof tops were made of oak like wood, i realised then , i was send backed into the past, how long ago into the past? I don't really know , anxiety started to creep into my heart as i was caculating the possibilty of the people in this time , how they would react, what will they do, will i myself be a threat that might alter the very struction and fabric of the future and time itself. I considered taking off my white coat and all my clothings for that matter incase it scares someone in this dimension. But i reconsidered that move beacuse i realised that my entire body espically the heart area was infused with wires and wercthed looking clips and tecnology. Confused and contemplating my next move, i accidently step over an overbacked odd shaped vessal that layed behind one of the houses, instantly i broke it and it created a noise that woke the people in the house up. I could hear them getting out of their wooden beds and heading for the door. Panicked i ran across the sanding ground , and hid behind a large oak tree nearby.
A few men came out to check , with oil lamps held steadly by their sides, they headed towards the broken vessel (which i broke) and started convering to themselves, their language sounded like hebrew or maybe jweish , but the important thing is.. i could understand what they were saying. They were saying to one another that it might be an animal that ran into the vessal or something like that, two women came out and and started getting pissed over the incident , one of them even got paranoid and speculated that it could be a thief , which made the other 4 men anxious as well. Women never change, i said to myself as i kept my glaze on all of them hiding behind that nice smelling oak tree.
Then this male like voice inside the house spoke, calling the women and men to come back in , assuring them that everything is fine, what shocked me the most is how gental yet powerful the voice of this person in the house sounded like, the tone and timber of his voice was majestic and awesome , yet at the same time fatherly and caring.
Who IS this person in the house? I want to meet him i told myself, the phrase "i want to meet him" turned into "I MUST meet him" when i heard one of the women replying "Yes Jesus..we are coming in" . How could that be? Jesus? Which Jesus? Jesus christ the one who saved mankind from enternal death, the one that over a few centeries that christians worldwide worshiped? I find myself asking alot of stupid questions and possiblities that it might not be the Jesus i expected, beacuse according to my data, there were 17 people named Jesus at that time.
Then that voice , the power of that voice reminded me of how comforting it sounded like.. i grew excited... in fact.. i felt soo happy and thankful that i was send back into the past, if i really met the one Jesus, the one who saved mankind, the one who died for the sins of this world ..what im i going to say to him? What should i do? Can he understand me? Does he even speak english?
More question and comtemping was happening in my head, as the light from that small house faltered out. Now the house was all dark.. time for me to make my appoarch once more to meet this Jesus.
Excitedly i ran sliently into the back of the house, i lowered my body so that i could appear less noticeable in the dark, as i crawled my way to the back of the house, closing near the edge .. i heard the back door open..someone came out of the house.. gave me a shock as i nearly wanted to turn around the coner to open the door myself. What shocked me even more is.. the person who came out said "I know you are here ..Ivan..just come out." In PURE PREFECT ENGLISH SOMEMORE!!!! and then i woke up from my dream =_=.. i realised i was in SAFTI MI..looking blurly at the laptop, as the stock market moves up and down.. im back to my wercthed place again. What annoyed me the most, is what could Jesus have said to me? What did he look like? Aiyo..sian ~ LOL......

Monday, June 09, 2008

IPO - Sino Contruction

Why I will buy this stock
• Invited to participate in public tenders for the construction of the Daqing Airport and the relocation of Daqing Railway Station, which are expected to start in 2008
• Plan to tender for larger building construction and civil engineering projects with higher contract values
• Securing larger and landmark projects would boost corporate image and reputation
· Expand business to overseas markets
1) The above growth has not yet been factored into this stock, but again this are just plans in the future not happened yet.
2) Good track records, have many ISO certificates and most important their C2 licence
3) Strong cash flow and reserves
4) The continued strong investment growth and GDP growth in Daqing, according to their research such investments drives the demand for more officers, buildings etc.
5) Intrinsic value estimated at least $0.45 , optimistic view is about $0.68
6) At a price of $0.39 important ratio are as follows
- PE: 7.8 times
- PVB : 0.65
- ROE extremely high 21%, 30%, 70% possible?
Why I would be careful of this stock
1) Limited growth, as most of its growth is currently in Daqing, after all the construction and building, the question is what next? For this company.
2) Again, high oil prices affect its profit margin; they stated that they prepaid their suppliers thus reducing material cost and possibility of passing the cost to their clients.
3) There is a possibility that they might not get those big contract by government of other investors, thus might lose their C2 license
4) Under their P/L for 2007, most of the cost not really factored in like financial cost etc. Careful of window dressing.
5) Their account receivables are increasing fast every year. Watch out and be prepared for more defaults. However as stated in their annual report , their clients so far from 2005 to now , no defaults , all payments were fully paid.
Strategy: Buy, but don’t apply for its IPO. Very likely to drop in this coming few days as Oil prices are scarring the market, either you wait for market to factor in the high oil prices or when its reaches $0.30-34 which is a very attractive offer.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Time to bargain hunt

Yes, im very certain its time to bargain hunt, but just hold your horses !!! Lets look at the suitation now as @ 9/6/2008 , Oil has reached a ridiculous level of $139 per barrel , major US banks are still facing the effects and after effects of the sub prime monster, inflation in asia are as high as ever, food prices as usually increasing (Basket charge me extra $0.50 for extra mushroom on my meepo noodles) its really Sell in May and go away sernario. Yes despite all these factors, its really time to bargain hunt..simple "INvest when fear is the greatest " then the next question is what to bargain hunt? Here are some investment stocks to look at and consider

1)CG tech (cheapest textile firm with strong WACC,ROE, PE etc ) $0.25

2)Synear (largest dumpling producer in china) $0.47

3) Cosco Corp (Largest Ship repair company) $3.25

4)ChinaFlex (Low PE, good earnings per share) $0.30

Now if you guys realise, these stocks are victims of high oil prices (except for Cosco)
if you invest according to Buffet's way which is to invest when stocks are shunned away, then these are the stocks to buy now! Yes i cannot grantee that their stock price wounldt drop any further but how much do you think it can drop? another 5 cents maybe..the risk to me is limited.
But again i say to you, read up and understand the company's nature and future propescts, should Oil prices reaches $200 per barrel as some lame broker house predicted, the stocks above will no doupt drop further, that is the risk and THAT is why people are avoid them.
Acutally im quite pissed with myself, i should be analysing more stocks but i can't seem to analysis fast enough. Zzzz

Stocks currently in process is
2)Sino Contruction limited.
~Rex out

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Found one Gem, KIV two

Alright as promised, the first stock to enter my portifolio will be "China Milk" bought XX lots at $0.705 , the reasons why i bought this stock is simple

1) The milk market in China is growing , demand for beef/dairy products/milk are all coming to new light. And as stated in the annual report, milk demands in China are soo huge that the company cannot fullfill the orders of 2007.

2) High ROE , very important factor when investing, the company consistantly reaches above or if not more than 15% since 2005

3) Good cash flow and high cash reserves , ensures that the company wouldnt go into liquidty problems

4) Low PE vaule of 8-9 times, reasonable PVB of 1.8

5) Closing year book profits of 23% increase. However deal to derivatives infusion, factoring that out we have an 8% increase in Net profit.

6)More growth to be factored into this stock, like production of own milk products, increase in herd size , more RnD.

Target price for China Milk (at least $1.25, now trading at $0.735 as @ 6/6/08)

KIV stocks
Coscop and Synear
Coscop : China's biggest shipping repair company, more like a blue chip, moderate growth potential , high economic moat.
Reasons why i have not yet buy
1) At a price of $3.40+ doesnt reflect its instrinsic value of $2.80+ which i caculated.
(Using 10 years discounting EPS growth of 10% , EPS of $0.21, cap interest rate at 3%)
2) Beacuse Balstic Dry index has reached new highs this year and the last, the latter suggests a correction is near or immeiant.
3) High PVB, High PE ratio, which means if i were to invest in this stock , i will be investing based on their expected growth and not seeking value
Synear: Undervauled stock, good net profit per quarter, dropped below its IPO price ,low PE and PVB, high ROE
This despite all the good ratios , showing in this stock. The reasons why i havent buy into this company is because
1) Share price keeps dropping, TA doesnt state or suggest any rebound yet
2) The company issued a HUGE amount of shares just like Cosco (2000,000,000 shares) , obviously its EPS is low if not very very low.
3)Soo many uncertains lie ahead for Synear, is the company expanding too fast? How are they coping with HIGH OIL prices, high labor costs, government restictions on certain products?
4)Whats next for the forzen industry ? High competition very likely.
Soo yeah, thats my above take and im glad that i found a market gem after a few months of analysing/searching. Investing is definately not easy , you have to take in this, consider that , forcast this, factor that out..zz tiring..but EXCITING. Whats next will be me searching for stocks that will ride the Olympic bull in China 2008 , not that im being baised or what, i think China S-shares are really undervalued and good to look at, however with that note taken, China market and businesses might be facing problems or more problems even after the Olympics, but rest assured i only recommend shares that are strong in business concept, demand for thier products/services/ strong ecnomic moat/ moderate -high grow/Low PBV and PE/ high ROE.
Alright~ Rex out
Happy investing.