Sunday, January 11, 2009

At my Wits End.

Wow, its been awhile since i came back to this blog! Not much has happen, as usual, my current friends are still like this #### ##*, also not much has happen in Nothing Speical^ also. In fact i feel kind of bored these few mths, lucky there are entities like the stock market and my portfolio to keep me sane and happy. "Nothing Special" has really wasted my time.... time and time again i keep saying this , time and time and again i keep telling myself, to make full use of the time given. But the question is, have i? Have i growth intellectly/Spritually/Confidently and sociably?
Looking at my 2008 goals i did up in Dec 14th 2007. I stated the following goals to accomplished

1)Improve on Knowlegde about finnancial world/Stocks/Warrant trading etc
(Which i did and im quite proud of it)

2)Set up Swimming lessons and other related businesses like Drum/Tuition to get extra income
(Which i did, i collected about a few thousands doing so)

3)To know God better and improve my relationship with him
(This is the part, i think i didn;t do soo well)

4)Learn Japanese
(This part also, struggling, i lack to discipline to memorise the words)

5)Improve on communication skills and make more friends
(Say about 60%, more needs to be done here)

Looking at my goals and the level of progress at hand, i think im proud to say i did manage to reach some of them, but again more needs to be done, like improving on finncial knowledge (Learn Valuation, Learn Merger , Learn swaps , option trading etc)

One thing i have to confess though, for the whole year of 2008, i only attended my "CHC" only twice, yes TWICE!! My cell group friends have been pastering me to join them and they finally gave up in 15th March 2008. 3 main reasons why i don't attend church

1)I wanted to test whether im a happier person, without going physically to church , but to listen to surmons on the internet, i wanted to test out, is there really is a need to be physically there, can the internet streaming sermon be enough (so to speak) for my soul?

2)CHC is located at Expo hor, i live in Jurong hor, the distance is like going to Tekong every sun hor, quite tiring and exhausting hor!

3)Busy with things like Tuition/Swimming Lessons/Drumming lessons etc

And now the funny thing is, my hypothesis for no.1 is internet sermons CANNOT subsitude the experiences and soul enriching experience being physically there. I feel very drained, tired and unhappy these few mths, could it be mostly due to "Nothing Special", negative thoughts like envy, jealousy, hate , revegue kept arounding me.
And surprisingly , my swimming lessons and drumming lessons some how stopped. No more, gone out of the window due to reasons like close down, economy not good cannot countiue to swim, misunderstandings between me and the boss etc Tuition, omg, parents nowadays can't even afford $250 for 3 subjects for primary sch lessons. Wao lao, they expect cheap cheap lessons like $80-$90 a mth. Reason? Again the economy is to blame. I can;t help but feel that God is also responsible for this downturn in my life [Downturn =Recession in Temp job+ Nothing Special] maybe he is trying to get me back into church , maybe he is trying to install perservence in me.. whatever the case, it dosen't feel good, i want MONEY! I like to save ok! WHo knows, things might get even worse in the future like Uncle David getting retranched, like the garden in church caught fire, or Nothing Speical gets thougher to deal with, whatever the case, its best not to anger God, I think its time for me to go back to Church. ^_^

*Don't want to elaborate more if not get scolded