2010 is over, now moving on to 2011

Wow, how time flies. It's already end of 2010 coming to 2011, another year more im am estimate to graduate from NUS!!! (Depending of course whether i take honest or not)by 2012 i would probably have a degree waiting to enter into a good job /business which ever, but seriously can you imagine after you graduate the world is going to end in 12/12/2012? Quite lame right, hence i refuse to believe such rubbish that the world is going to end at such a date. Nevertheless coming back to 2011, i look forward to next year, as alot of exciting events will be happening. My book, another business and online business etc. Of course there are problems yet to be solved like PJ0. The more i think of this business, the more indifferent i get, so much effort has been pour into this public speaking business and at this stage im losing passion for it, to be honest my current members have the potential to make it big, they are smart, talented and hardworking, however something is lacking in them..which lies somewhere between commitment and pro-activeness. This includes doing last min work, only doing things that have been instructed, not going beyond own duties. As such, i blame myself for allowing this, perhaps i really lack the proper leadership skills required to motivate them and myself..i think i should better do something about this...or maybe not? Should i just give up? Why im i giving up? Every time i think about PJ0 i think about MIP and the value brothers, are we copying them? Or just becoming a watered down version of theirs..this of course is unacceptable and i really dun see myself following their footsteps, this is really one heck of a problem that i must face when the time comes, either we go all out or not at all.
On a brighter note, ever since i wrote my last entry, i realize i was going thru a lot of tough times but one key important decision i made was to trust God. As it turns out, i didn't really end up having the shortest straw, in fact all those bad events turned out pretty well and i have God to thank for. Can you believe when i sat for Managerial Accounting (somebody say EEEE) the final exam 70% of the paper i do not know how to do and yet i manage to get an overall B for it, seriously miracle sia..and the rest of the modules.. well very very good is all i can say =]
2010 worst highlight was having to go thru Managerial Accounting
and best highlight was going to Taiwan with my brothers, the trip was excellent, never had soo much fun before. Thank God for them. =] PS tml 1/1/2011 im going to send matt off for his SEP and many other friends, wish them all the best and mercy journey (this is so that i can keep track of what has happen)
As i leave 2010 behind, moving pass of those hurts, disappointments, loneliness, giving thanks to all the opportunities given to me, all the love shown to me, all the new friends i have met, i lookforward to more trails and adventure that lies a head. Im going to change my personality drastically to be friendlier, more confident, more outspoken and more proactive. Cheers ^_^v